The right won, they always do. Fascists are always one step ahead of the left and run this country like a mob boss.

Turning point USA? They're not just some cheeky trolls, they are the true controllers of academia, criticize the right too much and they will send their goons to [redacted] you. Free speech is a sham in this country because the nazi mob outnumbers any dissent a thousand to one and is nearly all-powerful.

Humans made up their mind: "Better dead than red". They would rather humanity go extinct than to see brown people no longer be tormented for white people's pleasure.

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Sorry comrade, but it sounds like you drank a big gulp of the defeatism juice.

    The forces of capital want you to be hopeless, they want you to think there's never going to be a revolution. That way they can co-opt even anti-capitalist rhetoric into the cultural hegemony.

    Making the Nazis appear to be a larger group than they actually are, is part of this.

    I'd argue that in this moment communism feels closer, more inevitable, than it has for a while. I wasn't around to see the USSR so I can't compare to that experience, but right now looking at the movements that have erupted in recent years, a change is coming.

    The contradictions of capitalism grow more and more clear, unions are returning, people are organising in the street, the fact that the liberals are trying to co-opt socialism (something that would have been perceived as a dirty word even a decade ago) shows that even the ruling class can see which way the wind's blowing.

    The mob bosses (as you call them) can try to fight it, but they may as well be King Canute demanding the tide to move at his whim. The revolution is coming, and it has the weight of every past attempt behind it.

    (Sorry for the long comment)