Stop going on Reddit. :funny-clown-hammer: you have been it with a large funny clown hammer.
Check out this peak Reddit post
:funny-clown-hammer: BONK you have been hit with a large funny clown hammer
Check out what r/neoliberal said about
:funny-clown-hammer: BONK you have been hit with a large funny clown hammer
You won’t believe what redditors are saying about Ukraine
:funny-clown-hammer: BONK you have been hit with a large funny clown hammer
Le redditors post epic bacon
:funny-clown-hammer: BONK you have been hit with a large funny clown hammer
Stop going on Reddit.
We always need to have something outside of ourselves to be enraged about or else we'll just need to start cannibalizing each other.
I don’t.
Yeah you do. You're just lying about it to yourself.
Oh you sweet fortunate child, I hope nothing changes that.