"Oh, you think that LGBT people not doing anything sexual should be censored from media? Congrats on politicizing a TV show!"

"You're angry a woman was a video game protagonist? Stop making it political."

"You think public transportation is communism? Bro, how do you politicize a bus?"

"You randomly bring up your political views like they're this shocking thing, even though most people agree with you? Your insistence to politicize everything will only draw people to the left."

"You're angry at pronouns? Ugh, of COURSE you have to politicize language."

"Wokeness!? Ohhhh I see, because modern life not falling 100% in line with your politics is such a GRAVE criminal offense. Well guess what, princess? Life doesn't always fall in line with MY politics. Get used to it!"

  • regularassbitch [she/her]
    2 years ago

    dude, you keep trying to scan that bag of chips without flattening the barcode. quit making shit political and grab the corner before you try again

    really, you're running the blender for minutes at a time without stopping to stir it? you're making these shakes too political

    please stop mopping the same spot then walking through it trying to get workman's comp, you're making this walmart too political