So this $200 3-month rental etextbook that is more than 90% just copy-pasted articles from Free Europe Radio and CNN somehow correctly conveyed that Hitler gained much of his popularity from stoking xenophobia and racializing economic problems.

Without a shred of self-awareness, it then goes on to suggest in the closing section that the decline of the EU is being strongly driven by the mass entry of refugees, going on to describe it as a *flood * of migrants onto European soil'.

I guess when Stalin is written to come off as the larger villain than Hitler, I should've suspected something was up. This is my friend's first history course (at a real college) - are all History departments full of this shit?

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    Fighting. Age. Males.

    Without a shred of self-awareness, it then goes on to suggest in the closing section that the decline of the EU is being strongly driven by the mass entry of refugees, going on to describe it as a *flood * of migrants onto European soil’.

    One of those "mistaking the symptom for the disease" right-wing takes that - were I more of a liberal - I might refer to as a Logical Fallacy.

    I guess when Stalin is written to come off as the larger villain than Hitler, I should’ve suspected something was up.

    Hitler's big crime wasn't the Holocaust. It was setting back the neoliberal takeover of Western Europe by several decades. Stalin is a bigger villain because he set back the neoliberal takeover of Eastern Europe by nearly a century. In another ten or twenty years, I can only imagine what the history books will say about China, assuming we continue to acknowledge the country exists at all.