(I apologize in advance if talking about the podcast is discouraged. I don't know if that's a joke or if most hexbears feel that way). But anyway, next month marks the two-year anniversary of George Floyd's awful murder. Listening to the show in the summer of 2020, and later reading some stray commentary on this site, it seemed like the podcast kind of whiffed it on the protests. But idk, is that fair to say? I believe they participated in some marches in NYC, but I also remember Matt saying that "defund the police" was dead-on-arrival as a slogan, because cops will always be around as long as capitalism exists. I also remember there being a pretty rancid take about "working class" cops in a Taibbi episode, as well as an episode that dunked on a racial sensitivity/workplace training book. Fair enough about the capitalism opinion, and the book, which was no doubt written by a rich neolib that lacked any material analysis. I understand that CTH is a news commentary/comedy/dirtbag show co-hosted by white people, so it's not going to be the best resource on racial theory. I also understand that a big part of CTH is entertainment. But I'm curious if you have thoughts about Chapo's reaction to the 2020 protests. And thanks for sharing them.

  • FugaziArchivist [he/him]
    3 years ago


    That'd be awesome! From what I've seen, all manner of newsy web outlets welcome fresh content. I don't know if you actually want to do Truthdig, but I just looked at their site. If you check under their "contact us" page it provides some details on submissions. It looks like "columns" are discouraged, but "articles" are encouraged. I think you could make the case that yours is an "article" since you witnessed all of that stuff, although maybe "feature story" would be appropriate. Anyway, they also accept articles in "pitch form," so you could contact before even writing it. The site doesn't mention anything about compensation though, so you may want to check on that. You should get some money for your labor. Anyway, if writing an article on this is something you're interested in, go for it! You could wait a couple weeks and pitch it as a reflection on the second anniversary of the uprising. (The editor(s) should help with structure too btw).