Men especially do this because the patriarchy convinces men to destroy and/or repress all of their emotions except for rage!
“Rationality” without emotions and a sense of morality turns you into a dead-eyed monster! Learn to love yourself and speak about your feelings! Emotional communication heals!
The greatest revolutionaries have been those with compassion and love for the working class. Over intellectualizing everything is a poor coping response and very obvious to everyone around you!
"Rationalism" is often a reaction to valid righteous anger.
"What's that about being passed over for your dream job because your name sounds too black? You're clearly feeling too many emotiorinos right now bud so I'm going to need you to take a break and come back when you're less hysterical." Finish it all off with some concern trolling about how your message sounds, to others of course, and how your message would be stronger if this or that. There's a good response to this line that I hear from vegans sometimes "Why don't you tell me the better message you have for me, then I'll tell it back to you and you will be vegan right?"
The recent popularity of chudified stoicism is basically the same thing.