I have actually looked into nuclear reactors enough to have an opinion on a shitposting website, whereas you haven't gotten an opinion based in real actually existing technology and facilities. In fact the fact that I have "investigated" this as you call it, is the reason why I am using that specific critique
This is because you are arguing from the point of a sci fi story.
And if you don't get yourself a real argument, all my responses will be "Cool story bro" from now on
At least I have the honesty to not write paragraphs when all I have to say is "I'm right for no reason but I say so"
What little substance you actually produced boils down to :very-intelligent: "It doesn't exist so you shouldn't make it"
So yeah. Go fucking read 5 minutes worth of research or shut the fuck up about it. Your answer is trite. Like you've never argued about this without reverting to your lazy debatebro shit
Punch "generation 4 reactor" into a search engine and get back to me when you have anti-nuclear talking points relevant to this millennia.
Not a single thing I've said has been rendered irrelevant or will be rendered irrelevant in the foreseeable future
So how about this: How about you get a talking point based in real shit that exists
Here's a single thing. Now go do your investigation.
I have actually looked into nuclear reactors enough to have an opinion on a shitposting website, whereas you haven't gotten an opinion based in real actually existing technology and facilities. In fact the fact that I have "investigated" this as you call it, is the reason why I am using that specific critique
This is because you are arguing from the point of a sci fi story.
And if you don't get yourself a real argument, all my responses will be "Cool story bro" from now on
I'd love to see what you consider trite after each of these replies I've gotten
Your pointless replies for one.
At least I have the honesty to not write paragraphs when all I have to say is "I'm right for no reason but I say so"
What little substance you actually produced boils down to :very-intelligent: "It doesn't exist so you shouldn't make it"
So yeah. Go fucking read 5 minutes worth of research or shut the fuck up about it. Your answer is trite. Like you've never argued about this without reverting to your lazy debatebro shit
Cool story bro.
It's like I never left :reddit-logo:
Why don't you go back where you'll fit in better?