Yes, you have to be a member to watch the rest of the episodes, but this is easily one of the best reality TV shows I have ever seen. It's all in on the capitalist exploitation side of reality TV, and that's what does it. Pirate the rest of the show or something, IDK, it's just that good

The concept? Two college humor writers pitch a game show where they do crazy challenges to pay off their college debt. The twist? These are two long time friends, and they're the ones giving the challenges to each other. This is one of the most clever pieces of anti-capitalist media I've ever watched. I'm not gonna go too far in the spoilers, but I'm just going to say that Grant and Ally save their friendship by the end of it. I mention it because the show is almost unbearable to watch unless you know that it's going to end well.

These friends giving each other extraordinarily debasing tasks in a battle to pay of their student loans is just such an amazing allegory for this