Not literally burn them. But fuck them over. I worked at a construction company. I found a job that pays more and has wayyyy better benefits, and they fired me for putting my two weeks notice in. I went through a lot of bullshit there. So the day they fired me I sent a text to the company group chat and told them that I got fired for putting my two weeks in. Just to let everyone know at least what kind of fucks they’re working for. Maybe at least some people won’t put two weeks in for them anymore.
Well anyway, they also had us all trained for CPR/first aid through the AHA. I do remember first aid and how to do CPR, I can’t for the life of me remember who the training was through. So the AHA can’t really help me find it. And my former employer refuses to give it to me. Here’s where I really started trying to fuck with them…
I contacted DOT to tell them they have trucks that won’t pass inspections, drivers that won’t pass legitimate physicals because they go through some hack chiropractor who will pass anyone. There also might be off-road diesel in on road trucks. I haven’t heard from them yet.
I contacted osha and told them they aren’t supplying potable water, they asked us to use broken ladders, and asked us to get in confined spaces without air monitors. Osha did nothing but send them a letter asking them to please supply water, and replace to the broken ladders. Didn’t even mention the lack of air monitors.
I tried to contact their major contract who is serious about safety and told them about some of the things I saw but I haven’t heard from them yet either.
And this is all true shit btw, I didn’t just call in and make false claims. So I guess what I’m asking is.. how have you fucked with former employers, and do you have anymore ideas for me?