Do they really think China is gonna just stick with capitalism as it says outright that it plans to transition? Do they think that this video, conflicting with the imperial narrative, is critical enough to be a net benefit against China?

Really makes you thunk 🤔

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    If a schism occurs in the international bourgeoisie we'll see wars between formerly allied countries and within those wars the bourgeoisie on each side will fund the anti-war movements of their opponents.

    If we see a schism we will see opportunities for real ML-led revolutions arise and should be preparing ourselves for that eventuality. It will be the first time since '91 that the conditions return back to favour for us, a schism will create decisions among the bourgeoisie to fund the destabilising opponent of their enemies - which is us or fascists, depending on the country and conditions.