
  • I can't swallow an orange because of the texture.
  • I cannot wear laced shoes because of the sensation they give me.
  • I don't like wearing boxers, so I wear "women's" underwear, but I don't like that flap it has in the crotch so I always cut it out.
  • I feel deeply uncomfortable with the "female" button ups having the buttons on the wrong side, so even if I like the design I cannot fathom actually wearing them. (Sad, they frequently have much cooler designs.)
  • I am also extremely particular about the way I organize things, so I may move my furniture around a lot to maximize efficiency.
  • I feel uncomfortable wearing clothes with text printed on them, including brands, which makes me spend extraordinary amount of time trying to find affordable clothing without branding randomly slapped on.
  • I also feel uncomfortable wearing shirts with prints on them, excluding some geometrical patterns.
  • I feel deeply uncomfortable wearing clothes which aren't strictly very dark.
  • I get extremely anxious when I own something I have no use for, which makes me very anxious for receiving gifts.
  • I find "masculine" cosmetic scents and "feminine" cosmetic scents very overwhelming and have to dedicate time to seeking out stuff which's smell won't upset me. I don't mind them on other people, but for me they make me uncomfortable, even though I like them. They're very, very overwhelming...

Probably more.

I hope to hear back from you to feel normaler.

  • bubbalu [they/them]
    4 months ago

    I have reusable plastic spoons (even though I know they're probably poisoning me with microplastics) because I can't stand the sound of scraping a bowl with a metal spoon

    Have you thought about getting bamboo spoons? They're anti-microbial too! I am very anxious about plastic consumption.

    • sappho [she/her]
      4 months ago

      I had not! Didn't know they existed. Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into this.