Con 289 votos a favor, 193 abstenciones y 0 en contra, se aprueba en lo general modificación a Ley Minera para nacionalizar el litio en México y controlar exploración y explotación. Aunque lxs liberales lo minimicen, el litio costó un golpe de Estado a @evoespueblo. Nomás digo.— aᥣina ɗ uarte (@AlinaDuarte_) April 18, 2022
I really hope yesterday's news that Mexico had ended its co-operation with US three letter agencies and rescinded immunity for foreign agents is a pro-active measure against typical US destabilization tactics.
I really hope yesterday's news that Mexico had ended its co-operation with US three letter agencies and rescinded immunity for foreign agents is a pro-active measure against typical US destabilization tactics.