Con 289 votos a favor, 193 abstenciones y 0 en contra, se aprueba en lo general modificación a Ley Minera para nacionalizar el litio en México y controlar exploración y explotación. Aunque lxs liberales lo minimicen, el litio costó un golpe de Estado a @evoespueblo. Nomás digo.— aᥣina ɗ uarte (@AlinaDuarte_) April 18, 2022
Because the same thing happened in Venezuela, except the opposition party held a majority, so them leaving congress effectively paralyzed the venezuelan government, to the point were Maduro summoned a constitutional assembly (partly) to get around it, and was seen internationally as a Bad Authoritarian Move. It's a kind of anti-politics, really.
This has happened in the US too, actually, and may happen again when dems lose congress majority next midterms.
Because the same thing happened in Venezuela, except the opposition party held a majority, so them leaving congress effectively paralyzed the venezuelan government, to the point were Maduro summoned a constitutional assembly (partly) to get around it, and was seen internationally as a Bad Authoritarian Move. It's a kind of anti-politics, really.
This has happened in the US too, actually, and may happen again when dems lose congress majority next midterms.