• ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I went to Washington DC a little while back with my family, we had my four younger siblings with us so of course we did the entire propaganda tour of the city. Most of this stuff I think is pretty benign - we saw the MLK memorial, the JFK gravesite, FDR memorial, etc - but when we got to the Korean War memorial I got into an argument with my stepmom over it. I tried to explain that we killed 20% of the northern population, 5 million people, and bombed so many buildings that our bombers were dropping their payloads in the ocean because they couldn't find more targets. I told her that it was a crime against humanity that was absolutely on the same level of evil as the Holocaust, a genocide that was perpetrated against Koreans instead of Jews. And she just kept telling me I was wrong without offering a single counterpoint. Then we got to the Vietnam memorial and I got into the exact same argument with my birth mom, kids in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are STILL being born with birth defects, people there are STILL finding unexploded ordnance, but she just didn't want to hear it. To her the people who went to that country and murdered civilians were somehow justified, and people like me who wanted to hold the country accountable for its crimes were the ones doing something wrong. By the time we got to the World War I memorial and saw the plaque commemorating the "heroes" who jumped in on the Russian Civil War to prop up the white army a little longer, I was definitely numb.