or will that just get me killed
what sort of decorations should I put on my stuff to seem cool
yes I'm a slave to aesthetics and consumer goods
No. Cops are a mob, they're organized crime and you're more likely to get fucked with by them for no reason than to effect any positive change through a bumper sticker. Plus you can put up ACAB stickers all over town incognito-like for more exposure and less risk.
Absolutely not. This is the worst idea I've ever read. You're just inviting police harassment onto some random person who didn't do anything wrong.
do not do this unless you want chuds up your ass when you drive and cops giving you an omega hard time. Just graffiti it on a wall like the rest of us :hunter:
Put on a PBA sticker and thin blue line flag.
That way you'll be ble to speed and traffic drugs in peace.
Some black people in the states do this because it's the only way to avoid getting constantly pulled over:doomjak:
Please don't. American drivers are already looking for an excuse to hurt someone with their cars.
Putting any bumper sticker on your car immediately makes you a worse person.
Would it be cool, yes.
Would it put you in danger, also yes.
will it get you killed, that depends on a lot factors.
Best case scenario, you find yourself getting a lot more tickets. Do you really want to paint a target on your back?
Depending where you live, you might get away with a hammer and sickle. Like, any leftist symbol will get you hassle from the hogs and thats a decision you will have to make. Maybe get a hexbear sticker or something? I know this is a mostly ML community, but the anarchy symbol probably won't you too much shit. An IWW sticker would also be good.
I live in a chud and unaffiliated area in a big city. Most people are too overworked and burnt out to have any opinions about anything. I'd say most people around here wouldn't recognize the hammer and sickle, a few would know it's communist, and a lot more would think it's something vaguely Nazi related. I'd guess the anarchist A wouldn't ring any bells to anyone.
I am a dues paying wobbly so at least an IWW sticker wouldn't be larping
The pigs however here are half serial killers and half budget hogs idling their cars in Wendy's parking lots
I think it depends where you are. It could be an excuse for cops to hassle you, or they might not care, or they might not even know what the acronym stands for (kinda doubtful). Be cautious.
Fuck no, you're just asking to get picked up every time a cop notices that, and possibly killed or arrested on bs charges.
Hire an artist friend to draw/paint on it. find random trinkets and glue them on. just do some splatter paint yourself. if you don't do anything to it make sure its a cool color.
Find a bunch of stock photos of people doing the same thing and glue them on. Like old men smoking cigars or birthday cakes or something. birthdaycakebikebirthdaycakebike
do something campy and gay like put glitter all over it idk bitch make it work