Got a tablet for my birthday a bit ago. Feel like it hasn't necessarily improved the quality of my pixel art (since I'm still placing pixels by hand at the end), but has made the blocking process, and background mockups, way faster.
Also used the opportunity of learning new tablet thing to switch from GIMP to Krita, since GIMP is pretty clunky and more focused on photoshop anyway. Even with that, this only took me like one evening to to, so hopefully shit being faster will make me more motivated to actually art after being tired from selling my labor all day
Oof, also, hexbear's compression does not like pixel art apparently. Click through to the imgur link if you want to see the image not blurred to shit.
Yo this rules, it looks right out of an old Sierra game
Thanks! Used the same palette from Loop Hero, since I love the muted Amiga vibes the colors give.
This is awesome. Krita is great too. I really should spend the time to learn it's interface.
Still far from proficient with it, but it looks like it has 90% of what I used in GIMP, plus a lot more control over brushes. Of course, all the hotkeys are different, and the eraser being a toggle on the brush rather than its own separate tool keeps tripping me up.
Only real think I miss it the way GIMP and photoshop can 'index' to a palette, and force only use these colors. Feels like its something that Krita ought to have, but digging around I bit I haven't been able to figure out any option for it.
Lol, like that the video has TW: FRENCH on it.
But good advice! Got 8 programmable keys on the tablet, and just on the one evening when I made this, I reprogrammed what tools they were for, and how they're arranged, like 5 times, so its real helpful to know what shortcuts to go with. Currently have them, from top to bottom, as Selection tool, Bucket tool, Brush tool, Eyedropper, Space (for moving), Undo, Redo, and toggle scrollwheel (between zoom and brush size). Eraser is the side button the pen itself.
But that eraser tip is real slick, hope there's a way to make it press on, rather than press to toggle. The lighter/darker tool is also awesome; makes me sad again there's no index option. That was one of my favorite tricks in GIMP, where the dodge/burn tool used on an indexed image auto bumps the colors up or down to what's the preset lighter/darker shade.
Nice portrait!
I'm loving Krita as I learn how to use more of its features. Inherited alpha masking is fucking incredible.
Yes! Kensei Monk, focused on weapon use, for only 5e campaign I'm in with some of my siblings and cousins.
Hell yeah. I just got a display tablet as well. I had to work OT to get it, so I understand having no energy at the end of the day. I resorted to drawing at work a few times just to act on the urge.
Yeah, I feel that. Got a lot of projects on the back-burner that I'd love to work on, but also I feel like I only have enough energy after work like one night a week to actually do stuff. Hard to not feel bad about feeling bad a lot of the time.