i know i'll just get irony-poisoned meme replies but i honestly want to know.

  • ReformOrDDRevolution [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    That's a very speculative position though and I don't see why they would try to mask it like that. It seems like an ostensibly "left" position would be enough to get people to listen, see: :funny-clown-hammer: but I don't even think he is an op, but just an idiot who understand his class interest.

    That would also mean the current iteration of feds are far more patient and well organized than they seem to be (the Michigan plot is a good recent example of how much patience they have). Again, the left is not a threat anymore. Every leftist position is nearly immediately co-opted and defanged. I just don't see why it would be beneficial to pay someone like brace to be an op, because that is the longest set up for the smallest payoff. I feel like people would just simply stop listening to him if he pivoted to a pro-us hegemony position, and it's not like true anon is much more than a comedy show with some informative information and a small audience. My hot take on brace is he was a rich kid who hated his parents and made rebellion his identity. A reverse Mayor Pete in a sense. But that sums up a lot of left media, and gives no hint someone is an op, just liberals cosplaying. Podcasts are functionally useless media, like most media.

    I honestly have no idea either way. I barely listen to true anon or any podcast unless I need background noise, but calling everything an op seems to hark back to a time when the feds needed to infiltrate communist parties due to their numbers and or potential strength. The last hurrah seems to have been the undercover shit that every state did to sow discord in every leftist group around. The internet does the majority of this work now. In a sense, the internet is the op. It pacifies and atomizes society to the point where there are no more groups or media that would ever truly threaten anything.

    Again, maybe I'm wrong, and this was a lot to write about nothing lmao