Unsuspicious use of black, white, and red in the article image, definitely not trying to infuse any
Honestly surprised they had the wherewithal to avoid using bad Cyrillic
Net libs are still in the lag. If you observe lemmy news for example though, there is less and less participation in war threads, they are simply shutting up about it, they still do converge for their daily dose of Russia Bad in a minor news like Navalny saga.
This is what all media does now. PC Gamer did this with No Man's Sky and posted every single piece of un-proven hype content Sean Murray said and then did an article saying people were stupid for having hopes as big as his claims for the game. Gunna' do it with COVID next.
Ukraine is getting ass blasted and libs are in shambles
liberal tears will at least dull the pain of watching the soviet dream receive the final nail in its coffin