The most glaring example of that for me would be the 90s movie "PCU." It is an incredibly :LIB: piece of enlightened centrist propaganda, portraying black activism, feminism, veganism, even concern about endangered species as absurd and stupid, at least as bad as the cryptofascist white fratboys that are (of course) in league with the university's leader, who has two last names with a hyphen (the horror!) and had a whooping crane as a mascot (which is supposed to be a punchline as it wanders off and presumably dies off camera).

The chuds I knew back in the 90s loved it and there were moments that, if pressed, I would still grudgingly accept were cleverly written even if they are like peanuts sticking out of a steaming pile of ironically-:LIB: anti-:LIB: propaganda manure.

Lower key than that, the Indiana Jones movies are much harder to watch with all of the "all the girls in the professor's class want to bang him and also he is a lowkey child molester and it's just a quirky plot point."

I've talked about the Mass Effect series before and I'll bring it up again: being an extrajudicial special forces agent that acts above the law and working with (and effectively joining) a cryptofascist human supremacist organization ran by a rich techbro psychopath and it's all seen as sensible enough to have no opt-out, well, fuck that. "Humanity fuck yeah" stories are also tiresome to me.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Yeah, and "The Birth of a Nation" has a surprisingly flattering portrayal of Abraham Lincoln. That doesn't make it not a neoconfederate foundational work, and similarly, the "Methods of Rationality" is still the foundational basis of a cryptofascist billionaire worshipping cult, lead by the writer himself.

    Did you read far enough ahead to that "Hermione is basically brain-dead but she can obey and provide sexy times as a sex toy with a heartbeat so everything is good" part? Or how about the fever dream finale where the universe itself is seen as nothing but a bunch of raw materials to feed the late stage magical capitalist machine?

    There's more to it, too. A lot more. And the political views and billionaire bootlicking of its writer (and the cryptofascist cult he started via LessWrong and "MIRI") don't get a mulligan because of one nice perk from the Sorceror's Stone at one time.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Capital-R "Rationalists" like to announce how open minded they are but they can't imagine a world outside of a capitalist framework, or for that matter a quasi-secular Calvinist one.

    • Prozmar [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Did you read far enough ahead to that “Hermione is basically brain-dead but she can obey and provide sexy times as a sex toy with a heartbeat so everything is good” part?

      Can you remind me what are you talking about? I do not remember anything like this.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Hexbear isn't letting me dig back very far into my own older posts. I linked to that part previously, with commentary, but I really don't want to put on my swamp boots and once again trudge around the foundational fanfiction that so tickled the fancy of billionaire vampires that they finance the fanfiction writer (and his cryptofascist cult) to the tune of millions of dollars. Someone saying that there was this one neat thing that was done with the Sorceror's Stone doesn't cancel out the ideology of the rest of it any more than Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series would get a pass because the protagonist, quote, "loved life," or The Turner Diaries would get a pass because it criticized the majority of white Americans for being too complacent and eager to maintain a status quo.

        I mean, I can't stop anyone from enjoying the fanfiction that launched (several) techbro cult(s). Enjoy. But the ideology of its writer, the billionaires paying him millions for writing it, and the reactionary movement that he's trying to launch all stand in contradiction to "the fanfiction is good actually, one time the techbro power fantasy hero did a nice thing."