The left has a PR problem. No one wants us to be right, and having political views to the left of Hitler is a good way to be alienated by mainstream society. I'm not saying "sigh, we gotta get more racist." or saying "Look, I AM racist, but..." but what I am referring to is stealing right wing arguments and talking points, then using it in our favor. We already (kinda) defused based, and it was a little funny seeing some nazis claim that's cultural appropriation (never mind that Lil' B, a black guy, came up with the term first).
It sounds semi-promising to use demagoguery ourselves, but if this is a no go: I'd rather just learn that right now.
What the right spends time and money on isn't just indiscriminately promoting any message, but the following:
workshopping the most succinct and relatable messaging (i.e. focus grouping to label the "estate tax" as the "death tax")--which 4 Chan chuds already do for free, which was how they came up with "It's okay to be white." There are as many terminally online freaks on the left as the right who could do this same thing, but on the left any sort of sincere call for message orchestration is perceived as cringe or shady or futile before it's attempted. The detach
finding people that are already going viral and signal boosting them. The Libs of Tik Tok account, Lauren Chen, Tim Pool, all these people legit made their own stuff and initially experienced organic growth. They didn't get any monetary boost until they built their own traction, and even then a lot of their boost was crowd-funded.
The "left" is not currently conducive to this, as any remotely successful online left personality gets derided by die-hards for attempting to make money, or will be dismissed entirely for one off-hand take that they made in a long ass video--usually because some other, aspiring leftist influencer wants clout.
The right wing influencers don't get "canceled" in this way, and among themselves they largely boost one another and say shit like "I don't agree with everything this person says, but you should check them out because...." And this is driven by money only insomuch as they know this unified stance and cross-promotion is good for their collective long term growth. Mind you, this is all BEFORE someone like Prager U or Don Jr. takes notice and throws their money and influence behind them.
It's good that the left sees through lame opportunists, but we need to be a bit more cynical like the right is, and acknowledge that
if they can amass strong followings and mainstream some leftist causes, then even craven opportunists serve a purpose in shifting discourse in our favor.
Ultimately I am not saying that the right v left information warfare isn't asymmetrical, I am just saying that faced with overwhelming odds the left is not fighting as hard or as effectively as it could be.
Yeah this is only true if you don’t follow radical right politics. The radical right says exactly the same thing about us. They lambast themselves for not having solidarity, and they regularly and viciously attempt to ‘cancel’ each other over not being sufficiently racist.
The left does fine with coming up with supporting people. I mean, hell, Parenti’s a go-to recommendation for us, and yet he took an anti line on modern China. I regularly see Manufacturing Consent recommended, despite it being by Chomsky. Pretty much everyone supported Corbyn and, to a degree, Sanders.
I’m all for workshopping slogans etc, but let’s be real, the left is effective as hell at slogans already. Medicare for all. Not me, us. Workers of the world, unite. People before profit. MeToo. BlackLivesMatter. Defund/abolish the police.
As an added bonus, we can actually say those out loud to people without them thinking we’re nut jobs. There’s no need to go full crypto, whereas the right is stuck with their 14s and 88s, and soon as a new thing becomes associated with them, it becomes taboo.
The right needs to workshop so much, because it needs to be deceptive. The left has it much easier. We can be open.
"The right needs to workshop so much, because it needs to be deceptive. The left has it much easier. We can be open"
How has this actually played out in reality?
Better than the post-90s period, where all the unions became ‘associations’, and everyone became afraid to even so much as mention class.
Alright, let's work with an example that I've seen recently on mastodon:
Now I'm not holding this up as a case of someone with 'good marxist values', far from it. I think their personal antifascism is chaotic, and while well-meaning, I don't think her method should really be held up as the ideal form of activism.
BUT, what she is doing moreso than most actual marxists is working with people at their level by using practice to dialectically make adjustments to her theory of the world. In doing so, she gains a support network not just on the fedi but irl as well. This is what I mean in my other comment in this post when I say "we need to take on the language of the proletariat by working with them". The Pedagogy of the Oppressed doesn't work when it's one-sided. Leftist praxis furthers the cause by simultaneously decreasing both the alienation of the organizer and the alienation of the people they're organizing through direct contact and empathy. This is why Coal Mining Unions and Black Liberation movements were able to explode in popularity in the US before the govt started to catch up and design counter-strategies.
You're not going to get that from the detached cynicism of the fascist death drive that fuels right-wing meme strategies. Wholesale adoption of postmodern ideology without criticism is anti-marxist.
:10000-com: %
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What about the "It's okay to be white" example? It did not require money backed astroturfing for development or virality.
And from firsthand experience, there are people active in the DSA who have more money than the LibsofTikTok woman.
I feel the thrust of some people here is to start at "they will defeat us" and find ways to arrive at the conclusion to justify inaction.
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