• kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    my bf does a ton of caffeine and it did boost his gains :sadness: not good for calories that shit is dumb anyways you need calories to be beefy, reason you do caffeine for workout is it gets the blood flowing quick while not using energy you can spend for building muscle. all the biggest bodybuilders do it. creatine and vitamins are obviously good too. my bf follows various scientific studies and replicates their results to good effect

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Yeah you can definitely use caffeine effectively to boost performance, which professional sportspeople and I guess your boyfriend does. It's just some people don't and think it's some magic calorie burning elixir that will get them to a super low body fat percentage quickly and easily. There was recent controversy about a big soccer team getting lots of their players diagnosed with something so they could take more caffeine, for an example of professional sportspeople using it. And bodybuilders as you said. Just don't be out there chugging 10 monsters a day or something lol.

      • kristina [she/her]
        2 years ago

        300mg of caffeine is what he says he does, which is like 3 cups of coffee/monsters :shrug-outta-hecks: hes also like 280 pounds of pure muscle so that means not much for his bodyweight

        big part of a bodybuilder is keeping the calories flowing and getting oxygen to your muscles. he eats easy to digest foods and stuff and the caffeine helps keep the conveyor belt flowing. like i said hes an absurdly big dude, like could compete and potentially win, he just doesnt do it cause he thinks cutting/dehydration is unhealthy and itd take too much of his time up

        hes picked me up and thrown me like 15 feet onto a bed with like no effort :soviet-heart:

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          Yeah exactly for his body weight that's perfectly healthy and fine, your boyfriend definitely knows what he's doing there lol. There's a difference between what he does, based on actual science and healthy, and some bro science guy chugging 1000s of mg of caffeine pills and 5 bang energy drinks a day lol.