Criminology and Forensics are two branches of "study" that have come under scrutiny in recent years, as a result of the repeated discovery that they are, technically speaking, complete nonsense. Nevertheless, thousands of people each year enroll in Criminology and Forensics programs, and many more are incarcerated on the basis of "evidence" presented by Forensics and Criminology "experts".

In 2015, a national conference was convened in response to a 2009 finding by Congress that "DNA was the only (barely) reliable forensic science." (Gotta love that promptness for such an important topic!). The 2015 conference further underscored these conclusions, and found significant problems with

"accuracy and error rates of forensic analyses, and sources of potential bias and human error in interpretation by forensic experts, fingerprints, firearms examination, tool marks, bite marks, impressions (tires, footwear), bloodstain-pattern analysis, handwriting, hair, coatings (for example, paint), chemicals (including drugs), materials (including fibers), fluids, serology, and fire and explosive analysis"

among other methodologies. Of course, this has resulted in little or no appreciable change in the use of these phrenology-like "sciences" to convict citizens. (And while the findings here are for the United States, this remains a problem throughout the world. Of course, with the world's largest per-capita prison population, these problems are significantly magnified in the US.)

[Editor's note: it is apparent from the average word length in this post, the punctuation style, and the particular protrusions of this poster's forehead that this person is criminally minded.]

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  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    2 years ago

    What the fuck is the deal with libs now not even saying Trumps name but just referring to him as "tfg"(the former guy)?

    Its like terminal harry potter brain, you can say his name when you're talking about him, sure tfg is less obnoxious than cheeto, drumpf or any of the other old lib nicknames but still, christ.

    • blight [any]
      2 years ago

      can't show your ex that you're still in love with them, a lib without trump is nothing

    • Satanic_Mills [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Names are Words of Power. Conciousness begets reality, and we must invoke the Good Spirits (Decency, Civility, the Invisible Hand).

      In the eyes of liberals, where ideas are the sole motor of history, this is spiritual warfare for the Soul of the Nation.

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
        2 years ago

        My initial assumption was that it stood for "the fat guy" given how much libs love to call trump fat and gay.