Wow almost like if you don’t provide workers in your economy the bare essentials your economy will eventually stop working for you
homes aren't even that expensive to make, it's not building affordable homes, it's ensuring that they're affordable and not gobbled up by vulture caps
Not to mention the labor shortage mentioned in this very article. If you want to pay a builder enough to live in the area they are working in, your labor costs will also be very high.
Eh material prices where I am had nearly doubled, they've dropped back a bit but I had to buy a few pieces of sheet rock and some lumber a few months ago and it was painfully expensive.
You just know that "company housing" will become the eventual solution. Why build company towns when you can just buy a whole city?
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
Isn't BC governed by the NDP? Do they not have any sort of social housing in their platform?
Also I guarantee nothing being built on Vancouver Island is going to be dense or sustainable, even if it was getting built. Victoria has huge, shitty, detached single family like 5 blocks from downtown.
provincial ndp =/= national. BC NDP is closer to what you'd expect from the national liberals. That being said, yes there are social housing projects, usually on a more local level
Damn, I sure wonder why there's a labor shortage when the mindset for all jobs (save for finance/managerial) is "people will work for free, right?"
They're so, so close to the correct solution.
You build it? You own it! Three hundred workers built this three hundred unit complex? Now three hundred workers' families live here.
These compounding crises are so obvious in their cause and so easy to fix, and we're just going to keep slipping in to disaster anyone, stumbling along like zombies over a cliff.