If ya don't have a camera pointed at your car yet it would likely behoove you to do so. Something like a ring doorbell but not Wi-Fi (you know what i mean) would be smart too. I too am doubtful a direct confrontation is coming (in the short term based on this text) but i am convinced by this text that they will escalate until they get some kind of reaction from you so do protect yourself and prepare.
Also, if you're sure it's someone in your building, getting management in on this early (just reporting discrimination, not that you require anything from them just getting the fact something is going on, on paper), will help you be 'in the right' if things do in fact escalate. If you're "lucky" enough to live in a large corporate property tell them you're also sending a copy of the letter on to corporate as well. This in my experience is the only way to keep them from doing fuck-all and sweeping it under the rug.
Apologies if you weren't looking for advice.
Much love, be safe.
I actually just picked up a small wireless motion sensing cam that I'm going to leave on the dashboard. If I'm lucky maybe he'll come by to check the car and I'll know who it is. And yeah gonna have to pay attention in the near future in case this does escalate into something physical.
And thanks, support from comrades is much appreciated!
It's funny how we're being told that Russians and Chinese people are automatically evil but these pieces of human shit apparently just have license to harass anyone they want.
You gotta love how being racist is totally normal in the west as long as its against the people the empire is currently having an adversarial relationship with.
They always seem to think it isn't racism if it is justified in their eyes by virtue of them being evil <insert current national enemy>.
...every racist ever has thought their racism was justified. They all think they have a good reason.
Stay safe, these people are cowards so i don't think they're gonna hurt you but be careful anyways.
Yeah that's what I figure, it's unlikely this will go past trolling, but gonna keep my guard up just in case.
File a police complaint for stalking, intimidation, hate crimes, whatever you want to lump in there. If you do end up trying to escalate this to building management or the telephone company, a police report will light some fires under some asses.
Best case scenario the cops figure out who the number belongs to and pays them a visit. Worst case, you can have an official record of this if you get into a fight with this guy or something.
ACAB and all that but I figure in situations like this it's a lesser evil to point cops at horrible racists so they have less idle time to fuck with innocent people.
Just ended up doing that on Saturday, turns out we do have a hate crime unit in the city, and this was serious enough they actually sent somebody over to take a statement the same day. And yeah completely agree, establishing a trail is good even if there's an altercation later. I'd be able to prove that I was just defending myself if it comes down to that.
Good call comrade. Hopefully it doesn't come go physical confrontation.
Yeah, started getting these increasingly unhinged messages on Thursday. The number is an internet service, so they were smart enough to hide their cell.
Definitely gonna have to watch my back. So far I don't get the impression that he's looking for a physical altercation, otherwise would've confronted me in person.
But this is clearly premeditated given that he's been stalking me and my wife, and went through the trouble of figuring out my cell number.
That sucks man. Stay safe. Do you know what promted this rage rant?
Nothing I can think of IRL, like I haven't had any bad interactions with the neighbours or anything. Whoever it is has been careful not to make it obvious they've been watching me. It just kind of came out of the blue to be honest. I'm guessing based on the whole long live Ukraine bit, racism coupled with being invested in project Ukraine is the trigger.
Yeah, a switch was flipped in Canadian's minds because of the conflict. My old coworker is from Russia and was harassed recently at a library and it's like, he was there picking some books up with his grandaughter. Be normal.
It's like there's a lot of pent up racism in Canada, and people are just looking for an acceptable outlet.
I had people yell at me because i mentioned that it'd be fun to take a trip down the Volga river once. God forbid thinking about Russians as human beings.
Literally all i said was "it looks pretty and has a lot of history that I think i'd like to see in person", which was enough to have me branded a traitor. "Hate the government, not the people" unless it's an official enemy state, in which case it's on sight.
Agreed, I think most people looking in from outside underestimate how virulent things are here. As someone who's ethnic Chinese, honestly I could see limited internment camps in the mid-term future. And the simmering widespread hatred against Indians, Muslims, First Nations, and (for those who buy into the lib drivel) Russians is spiraling just as badly.
I feel like- more than even the US, a general malaise dominates the country, one that I am not immune to as well (hence why I want to get the hell out). Economically and otherwise everyone knows this country is irredeemably corrupt, economically spiraling, and that their livelihoods will only get worse in the near future- and similarly to Weimar Germany, the already inherently racist, divided society is finding scapegoats to target as a result.
Racism getting expressed but also pent-up? I guess Canadians are having their cake and eating it too.
Holy shit. Look out for yourself man, this shit sounds unhinged.
For sure, having a crazy stalker living in your building is definitely not great. I'd honestly prefer it if he'd just confronted me face to face. This is way creepier.
"Akshualy, this racism isn't racism sweaty."
- confused radlib, 2024
Thanks, very much not the drama I was looking for to start off 2024 with, but it is what it is I guess.
Crackers try not to behave like rabid animals challenge: impossible edition.
I cross checked this through a couple free carrier lookup services and the number came back as a Mobile Phone provided by Iristel.
Might be able to contact their support with your screenshot and see if you can get their service removed. Probably a long shot.
Thanks for taking a look, and can't hurt to contact them. Probably won't do much, but who knows.
Is that his real number? If so then I'll sign him up for some scam calls
Sadly they were smart enough to use an internet texting service.