I might as well post my spiraling to somewhere more fitting.

The right has won the culture war for good this time, as RvW is the lynchpin for "right to privacy", which protects many other "undesirables" in the US from not being legally murdered. You know damn well that genocides are next. They are going to [redacted] all of us, and only because they think it's funny.

I just want to give up at this point, maybe if I just hide my power level and pretend to be far-right forever, I can eventually leave the US.

  • OfficialBenGarrison [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I've been looking through some countries and as cliche as it is: Canada shows some promise, with Quebec in particular. Scotland too.

    Any place that is secular as hell, and can reasonably source patriotism from something other than "I am the greatest and I will destroy the world because I can! Mwa ha ha!" Scotland has some strict hate speech laws so there is a solid chance I can be reasonably left alone.