I’ve seen a few folks mention go bags/bugout bags lately, as the situation in the US continues to decline. Seems like a good idea to ask y’all what should go in a go bag, and I can make a follow-up post with a list of ideas for folks who want to be prepared to leave if/when the time comes.

Cheaper is probably better, since the most vulnerable of us are likely to have the least resources available to plan for the future.

  • Commander_Data [she/her]
    2 years ago

    They needed the fat from oil to stave off "rabbit" starvation. Typically the small game available in the artic, and even most deciduous areas, is very lean; rabbit, squirrel, even deer don't have enough significant calories in body fat to keep folks alive. You can eat 2k kcal a day in protein and starve to death pretty quickly without fat. Something else that would be good to have would be a vitamin C supplement. You could survive for years with enough complete protein, fat and vitamin C, though without other micronutrients your health would deteriorate.