• ScotPilgrimVsTheLibs [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I'd argue it's because of some of the brainworms that star wars and DC comics (perhaps inadvertently) put in their heads. They are liberals so they are the Light-aligned Jedi or Batman. Fash are the Sith or Joker. Their "goal" is just to cause misery for the sake of it, but if people go too far in trying to stop them, they "win" because "A-HA! I just proved you are just like me!" "a-HA! You needed to use the dark side to beat me, that proves the Sith are stronger!"

    Dragon Ball Z never had such problem, there was a good monologue on how it is not evil to fight for the right cause, and Frieza knew that the Saiyans could fight back at any time.