grandma - well, california could be a purple state so be careful.

sister - then please vote for him for a felon that can't vote.

dad - so you prefer neofascism to neoliberalism?

mom - actually accepted it even though she has the biggest case of TDS? weird.

share your experiences.

  • leftofthat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I work with a ton of liberals and we have a work Slack. They know I'm not a fan of Joe Biden. This was one person's response when I posted "lol Kamala Harris" upon her announcement as VP. This is not edited it was literally just him talking with himself:

    Dude, Gerald Ford sucked, but he was still a million times better than Nixon. Same here. And Biden is better than Ford.

    I am calling you "[my first name] Perfect-Enemy-of-Good [my last name]"

    Wait, so then [leftofthat] says: "You think Biden is good?", and then I say "[leftofthat] sees the world in binary: Bernard = God Emperor, Bernard -1 = hitler"

    then you say something about compromising and then I accuse you of being inflexible and unreasonable, and then we agree to disagree.

    phew, good talk.