Maybe someday when I'm better at making doom wads I'll host one and as project lead.


btw I'm bagsying the map name "A Spectre Hangs Over Europa" in case we ever do make one

Edit: just to be clear this is just me seeing how many people are interested, I don't feel I have the experience to run a community project at the moment and am currently working on a solo megawad on the side anyway. However, if enough people are interested I'd like to make it some day

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    I know a little bit about Doom mapping / ZDoom ACS scripting. It's been a long ass time, but I made a few decent Zdaemon deathmatch maps back in the day. I dug though the source code of Chocolate Doom and Odamex a bit too. My parents bought a joystick when I was five and it came with the shareware version of Doom on a floppy. The rest is history.

  • mr_world [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I can make textures just need to know what the old engines can handle. I assume 128x128, 8-bit. I think old stuff might use .ddx or whatever format too, it's been a very long time since I had to use anything but .png or .tga

    I can do models too but I need to know poly limits. I think Doom used sprites for weapons and all though, right?

    • HornyOnMain
      2 years ago

      Doom textures have a height limit of 128 pixels I think but can be quite a bit longer horizontally though the widest you'll see practically is 1024 pixels wide. The interesting thing is that floor textures called "flats" can only be used on floors and ceilings (and normal textures can only be used on walls) and have to be 64x64 pixels large (no bigger no smaller).

      Really though this post was more to test the water to see how many classic doom mappers there were that were active on hexbear than anything - I don't feel like I have the skill or experience to lead a community project right now.

      • mr_world [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I have no classic doom mod experience. I've done The Sims (the first one), TF2, HL2, San Andreas (which is a huge pain because of the naming conventions and file structure). Now I just make stuff for Unreal because it's so easy and widely used. It's all kind of the same idea though.

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Everything is sprites. I don't recall the exact format used, but it is kind of irrelevant. The original game used a 255 color pallet (with one color for transparency), but if you're targeting a modern source port like GZdoom, this limitation doesn't really matter.

      The mods themselves are stored in "wad" files which store all the game resources as named data segments called "lumps." You use one of various tools to manipulate these wad files, and these tools do the work of converting image formats.

      A cool mod would tweak the color pallet to begin with if we're looking for classic compatibility, but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

      Ordinary walls are 128 pixels high. The shortest ceilings you can walk under are 64 pixels high. IIRC, the tallest steps you can climb are 16 pixels tall.

      If anyone is interested, I recommend checking out SLADE. Last time I used it, it was just a map editor, but it looks like they have incorporated SLumpEd (a wad editor) since then. It should serve as an all-in-one tool. It is cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac) programmed in C++ using the WxWidgets toolkit. Another popular map editor is called Doom Builder. It only targets Windows though AFAIK.

      The cool thing about making Doom maps is that the maps themselves are only two dimensional. You're just drawing a top-view floorplan and assigning floor and ceiling heights to each 'sector.' It is a lot simpler than making maps for Quake/Half Life/Counter Strike/etc.

      Here's a youtube video which seems somewhat promising based on the first couple minutes.

  • negatronica [she/her, undecided]
    2 years ago

    I can help out with such a project. I first got into doom level editing over 20 years ago and since then I've gained experience in creating graphics, sounds, and such as well as modding for gzdoom including decorate and zscript code experience. I can PM you some of my work.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    2 years ago

    Bringing back memories of making a map for Marathon Infinity and never knowing how to share it on the web