negatronica [she/her, undecided]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I only know about the modules I have and the ones I use the most are as follows:

    Mutable Instruments (MI) Yarns - MIDI to CV converter, if you want to use a midi keyboard with it then you'll need something like this.

    -Maths - Envelope generator, I use this in pretty much any patch.

    -Piston Honda - Digital VCO, expensive but I love it.

    -MI Clouds - grain delay w/ reverb. I use this for creating atmosphere.

    -MI Ripples - VCF with CV for freq, res, and FM.

    -Dual VCA - Kit I got from synthrotek, nothing special as any VCA will do.

    -Buffered Multiples - I don't know the brand I have. Takes one input CV and outputs multiple copies, good for routing clock signals, pitch CVs for multiple VCOs, ect.

    -Circuit Abbey Unify - Mixer and output with headphone jack.

    -MI Grids - Drum sequencer, takes clock signal from yarns or set your own tempo. Has kick, snare, and high hat trigger outputs. You can hook this up to drum modules or anything that takes a trigger input.

    -Basimilus Iteritas Alter - kick drum module, wide range of sounds, one of my favorite modules.

    I have others but I don't use them a lot. I hope this helps. If you have questions feel free to PM me.

  • I have AVPD as well and have transitioned in that I'm out to everyone and had my name legally changed. I certainly understand the anxiety - transitioning was a very slow process that took about a decade for me. This was heavily because of my anxiety about what others would think. I took things one small step at a time - like starting to grow my hair out or starting electrolysis. A few people might know but not many so it's a form of exposure but so minor you won't even be concerned after some time. My initial goal was to be androgynous, full transition seemed like way too much anxiety at the time. So I think you are capable, maybe just make small changes over time.

  • In response to the communism killing so many people I would state that "socialism / communism is about working together for the benefit of all members of society. Capitalism is all about individuals focusing on their own personal gain and ignores what is best for society as a whole. Which system intuitively causes the most suffering, especially due to greed?"

    It may not be a perfect statement but it's simple and clear to understand.