I mostly read (hard) sci-fi written by straight white dudes, so the tweet on the screenshot made me feel a bit defensive. In the replies and qrts people are patting themselves on the back for reading marginalized fantasy writers exclusively and this "consumption as activism" seems rad-libby to me, but maybe I'm wrong.

  • iwasloggedout [none/use name]
    há 2 anos

    It's the same institutional bias you see all over the place. White men are preferentially selected for in roles of power because it's only been white guys in those roles in the past. Wonder if there's a name for that.

    Anyways, I don't think it matters terribly what you choose to read as an individual, but there certainly should be attempts to popularize minority voices in literature because they're overwhelmingly passed over in favor of the Rowlings and Kings of the world by people who might honestly have no clue they're doing it. Affirmative action for authors.

    • Nagarjuna [he/him]
      há 2 anos

      Wonder if there’s a name for that.

      There is, it's in the sociology of power, and I'm not going to tell you because jargon addles your brain and prevents communication.

      • Anemasta [any]
        há 2 anos

        I'm just going to assume that you as a scholar of power know better than to share the power of knowledge.