iwasloggedout [none/use name]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2022


  • Most chicken isn't carrying salmonella. However, chicken is porous enough that any meat infected with salmonella is infected throughout. Therefore, washing doesn't do shit but remove the dirt if you dropped it on the floor. Further, you're gonna spray water that touched the chicken, and now your sink basin has salmonella. Your dirty dishes have salmonella. The faucet might, definitely will if you turn the water off after handling the chicken. The counter will have salmonella.

    The solution? Don't eat chicken, :im-vegan:

  • They were cool but my god the showrunners can't do politics for shit.

    TLA: There's one bad guy, he's evil because he's evil. He has a daughter who's also evil because she's crazy.

    LOK: Ok, time to tell more mature stories.

    Who's the first villain? Communism! Except:

    • The equalist movement picks up an enormous amount of steam basically overnight: their problems with benders dominating society are valid and recognized at large
    • Its pure Great Man Theory that only the charismatic ideologue is able to lead the movement
    • The moment the leader is recognized as lying about being a bender the movement collapses instantly. Guess their issues with how society is structured weren't that valid?
    • Special feature: the eccentric self-made capitalist-inventor

    Then we get the second villain, environmentalism!

    • Except the environmentalist is also a conqueror intending to oppress people
    • And he's doing it in order to dominate the world by doing superpowered mass-scale ecoterrorism
    • Remember the eccentric capitalist? He's back as a war profiteer and it's played for laughs

    Who's the third villain? Anarchists!

    • They don't have a cohesive ideology beyond "rulers bad"
    • They kill a monarch (cool) and then tell the world's largest civilization to idk figure itself out and peace out

    And the last villain? Fascism.

    • The fascist is shown to be correct on the details constantly
    • Her campaign of brutal conquest is successful at unifying the kingdom the anarchists broke apart
    • She builds a superweapon which ends up changing the world for the better
    • The war profiteering capitalist has zero problems with helping the fascists until his own life is threatened
    • Unlike every other villain in the show, the Avatar shows her active empathy and compassion

    I think the showrunners got that terminal :LIB: brain

  • It's the same institutional bias you see all over the place. White men are preferentially selected for in roles of power because it's only been white guys in those roles in the past. Wonder if there's a name for that.

    Anyways, I don't think it matters terribly what you choose to read as an individual, but there certainly should be attempts to popularize minority voices in literature because they're overwhelmingly passed over in favor of the Rowlings and Kings of the world by people who might honestly have no clue they're doing it. Affirmative action for authors.

  • iwasloggedout [none/use name]tochatWhat's your dream job
    2 years ago

    Per some good advice I saw from the author of K6BD, if you want to get good at making webcomics you need to start making webcomics. But make them for yourself, and if an audience starts manifesting good job, but they're entirely secondary to the process of creating the thing you want to create.

  • But apparently it's fine to arrest people for "Conspiracy To X" which they would commit retroactively in their home state. So if some chud stronghold passes a law that makes conspiracy to gamble a crime, then if you gamble in another state you've technically conspired to do so at some other time.

  • iwasloggedout [none/use name]tovideosIs this accurate?
    2 years ago

    If you haven't, you should give Bullshit Jobs a read. It was honestly enlightening to see exactly the way I felt about my work explained thoroughly and with backing testimonies by other people in other careers who felt the same as I did. Really contributed to me knowing what I wanted to do and helped me leave that soulsucking role.