if you call me a fed I'll call you a double fed who feds on the feds

  • Ideology [she/her]
    2 years ago

    It it looks like a fed, walks like a fed, oinks like a fed, it must be...

    • FidelCastro [he/him]
      2 years ago


      It's either a fed or an idiot. Either way it's a waste of our time and needs to fuck off.

      Example: Local org I'm in expeled a guy who always seemed to overcomplicate or fuck up anything he volunteered for. He was unable to handle any feedback about this. We're not his therapist or his parents. Bye, we have people to feed and you're in the way of that.

      Dude tried to smear the org on twitter after we kicked him out. We ignored him and he eventually moved on. Again, we didn't care what he was besides a waste of time.

      Caveat: This is distinctly separate from situations where a comrade hits a rough patch and has fallen on hard times. Solidarity is important, but it also must be reciprocal.