I've mentioned it somewhere, now in image format. linky

  • plinky [he/him]
    5 months ago

    divorce jewish wife

    join nazi paramilitary club

    run conservative rag in "democratic" germany

    dodge raf

    die rich

    your successors still sign loyalty pledges to nato and israel

  • Gosplan14_the_Third [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    The Axel Springer publishing house has an explicit commitment to Liberalism, Pro-American positions and Zionism in its self-proclaimed principles

    1. We stand up for freedom, the rule of law, democracy and a united Europe.
    2. We support the Jewish people and the right of the State of Israel to exist.
    3. We are in favour of the transatlantic alliance between the United States of America and Europe.
    4. We are in favour of a free and social market economy. [Note: Social Market Economy is the way the FRG calls its own economic system since Ludwig Erhard's term as minister in the 1950s]
    5. We reject political and religious extremism and all forms of racism and sexual discrimination

    You can publish whatever you want, as long as you are loyal to the things your boss supports.

    Also, funnily enough, a German version of Politico was launched like a week ago. Finally, the libs have a voice in the barren liberal newspaper and magazine landscape alternative to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Taz, Tagesspiegel, Frankfurter Rundschau (That one is a bit too socdem maybe), Die Zeit and Der Spiegel

    • plinky [he/him]
      5 months ago

      commitment of bild to not being racist and sexually undiscriminating is also very.. meh

      Just funny how that works out, my liberal newspaper is property of heinrich himmler publishing house, nbd, he recanted his views