To blame the current situation on the contemporary left is to give a floating signifier around superficial political alienation more importance than most of them have ultimately shown worthy of having. It isn't even failure. You aren't important enough to have a mission to fail.
"you're not important" lol yeah, after skimming a bit I can see why these useless no-materialism PMC podcasters would have this belief! There's no need for all those big words, it's easy to see why these woke radlib are unable to differentiate themselves from neoliberalism, except by whining about how weak and powerless you are. (were ultralefts "powerless" when they helped the CIA overthrow Ukraine's government, and are now bravely dismissing and scoffing at the idea of anti-imperialism on their PMC podcast?)
"@As_a_worker" more like "@As_a_woke_Brooklyn_finance_imperialist"
for the most part, yes. The actual power being exercised was wielded by international finance capital, intelligence agencies and armed paramilitaries rather than any ultraleft faction. At worst the ultraleft plays second fiddle to the capitalist news organizations in providing ideological cover for actions which are happening regardless.
Chairman Mao