If it’s true two racially/ethnically targeted shootings this weekend is something :amerikkka:

  • deadbergeron [he/him,they/them]
    2 years ago

    A gunman in a deadly attack at a Southern California church was a Chinese immigrant motivated by hate for Taiwanese people

    ok, can't see this being beaten to death by the hogs

    Chou’s family was among many that were apparently forcibly removed from China to Taiwan sometime after 1948...Chou’s hatred toward the island...seems like it began when he felt he wasn’t treated well while living there.

    wait so he's...Taiwanese? Or am I meant to believe this guy had grievances with indigenous Taiwanese people?

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but did China forcibly remove people and send them to Taiwan? I was under the impression they all fled there

      • grouchy [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Yes, this is my understanding as well. Anecdotally, the tensions between the two Han groups were indeed pretty bad, especially among older generations (i.e. the membership of this church from what little I've read), as a lot of anti-KMT sentiment also got redirected toward the first group. But of course it has nothing to do with the PRC and the western framing on this is both predictable and gross.