If it’s true two racially/ethnically targeted shootings this weekend is something :amerikkka:

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Chou’s family apparently was among many forcibly removed from China to Taiwan sometime after 1948, Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said. Chou’s hatred toward the island, documented in hand-written notes that authorities found, seems like it began when he felt he wasn’t treated well while living there.

    After the KMT was routed from the mainland, dude was grazed by Kai-Shek's Taiwanese "White Terror". Then he move to the United States and become a landlord. His wife left him, he got in a fight with a tenant, and then he lashed out at a random Taiwanese church in a wealthy community on the other side of the California/Nevada border.

    Sounds like an insidious plot by the CCP to me.