“We’re past the tipping point for the glaciers in the Canadian Rockies (…) Even if somehow, magically, we’re able to stop global warming tomorrow and return the atmosphere to more normal CO2 concentrations, we would lose most of the Rockies’ glaciers.”

“We might have a 20-year window of this much water and then it will start to fall off a cliff,” he says. “How much water is flowing through the river as a function of that time of year is going to start changing remarkably.”

“It’s sort of become a catchment for contaminants,” says Criscitiello. Legacy contaminants like DDT are starting to melt out of the snowpack, she says. “This has become a concern.”


  • knifestealingcrow [any]
    2 years ago

    I remember my parents taking me up to see one of these when I was a very young child, not old enough to remember which one or really much else from that age, not old enough to really understand beauty and what it was or even what I was looking at, but even then I was struck by how beautiful it was. It was probably my first real moment of awe

    I'll never be able to see them like that again, I might not ever be able to see them again, I definitely won't be able to give that experience to my kids

    And outside of those frankly selfish urges, how many people will die in the floods? How many displaced? The deposition of soil in the rivers from last year's flooding/glacial melt combo severely threatened the salmon spawn, how much of a ripple effect from this can the ecosystem actually take??

    Frankly, this is war. One side, the side perpetrating it, knows this. Doomsday bunkers, the escape to space, the push for population control, they're already planning for it. The other refuses to believe it's a war, we close our eyes and pray to the other side to stop fighting while actively denouncing the few who fight back. When has that stopped any war? When has that not resulted in anything but the deaths of the people praying? They're killing us and we're laying down and taking it, thanking them for crushing us under their boot, while insisting that they know best and will stop the problem they're incentivized to create.

    I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I had to get it out or I would have just started screaming

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      2 years ago

      When I was around 5 years old, I was fucking around in my room doing kid stuff and my dad came up and asked, "Hey, wanna take a trip to the top of the Twin Towers?"

      I said nah as I spun in circles on an old office chair. Even at 5 I logic-ed that there'd be plenty of opportunity, its not like they'd go anywhere.

      Guess what happened when I was 6.

      • TyMan210 [he/him, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        I had a very similar experience lol. I was reading a book about NYC when I was 5, and was really amazed by the twin towers, and I told my parents I really wanted to go see them one day.

        And then like a month before I turned 6, the thing happened