New Contra

  • macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Saying that you personally do not like tofu is fine. Saying that tofu is impossible to prepare in a way that's good is racist.

    You have misread me. It's South Park behavior. This type of worldview shits on people for caring; people who care are always the ones trying to change things; thus these attacks always attempt to preserve the current state of things. In other words, they are conservative. South Park didn't literally invent antiveganism, that would be so stupid that I think you should take a step back and remember that you're talking to a person and not a cartoon character.

    You have misread me. I did not say that not being vegan makes you a "bad person", whatever that means. Going out of your way to defend the status quo of carnism usually means you have bad politics. Principled leftists have the good sense to stay quiet about it. Contra's particular flavor is to cede that veganism is ethically correct, to prevent both animal suffering and environmental destruction, but to claim that giving up meat is so impossibly difficult that anyone who's vegan must not have liked the taste very much to begin with. That's an obviously silly argument, and I hope she grows some spine and acts according to her stated values, but it doesn't excuse her thoughtless blabs denigrating East Asian cultures.

    • whoops
      7 months ago

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