I like how this thread is a bunch of people who haven't and probably won't watch this video (myself included of course)
They say true love is when you are perfectly content doing nothing together
So I'm actually trying to watch it unlike the rest of y'all you dorks.
She like... barely talks about Twilight, so far it's been 90% her pseudo-intellectual musing on romance. Which granted she's pretty good at pseudo-intellectual musing, I've def listened to less interesting pseudo-intellectual musings, but it is just musings.
Edit: there's a joke in there about how the left needs to "focus on purging counter revolutionary Vaushites." Which I got a snicker out of.
Honestly, like most long video essays there's some interesting tidbits of info but you have to Wade through a lot of unnecessary bs to get to it.
Very few people make a tight video over 30 minutes. It's almost always full of ramblings, distractions, or jokes. And the longer the video, the better those things need to be to keep me onboard.
I wish there were more like Shaun. He makes a short joke, then moves on to the next point
Thank you for the report. I sure as hell am not going to watch it, but there is something that wiggles at the back of my brain that wonders how glaring and rank her increasing lib-ness has become now. From what you say, it sounds like it's just another run-of-the-mill lib-leaning (and overlong) video essay.
Honestly here analysis isn't bad when she's talking about media stuff, I'd argue she's even half decent at historical research. I'll admit I actually thought her video before this one was pretty good. But you kinda have to view each of them in a vacuum to enjoy them.
did this jackass ever actually make amends for her nbphobia?
people gave fairly detailed and even academic criticism on why her conception of gender excluded NBs and her response was shitty. I think people are more offended by the response than the actual video that started it all.
I guess, but she's quadrupled down on it and inviting buck angel on drove a lot of trans people away, aa a last straw.
She is the perfect embodiment of how getting rich turns you into a liberal.
She was raised by a doctor and a professor. She attended Berkeley and Georgetown. She was always comfortable and was always a liberal.
she hasn't made anything good in years tbh, everything she does now is self-indulgence
the most interesting point i thought was her analysis of women’s
fantasies and how they aren’t proof of an innate female secret sincere desire to be assaulted, but rather a way to fantasize about sex without having to see yourself as sinful/slutty/etc. in a puritan society, so that you get to imagine sex without feeling responsible for it. Not CP’s original thought (and she’s always been good about references) but still a well made point.
Because I'm practicing drawing fundamentals and having some background noise / the illusion of company is nice.
How could you forget about Jonathan Holmes? Bostons Favorite Son!!!
It's entertaining and the sets and costumes are pretty great usually. And I like the characters.
Are her videos getting longer because hbomberguy's videos have gotten longer or...?
she spoke with Satan's grandmother Hillary Rodham Clinton, so she's not welcome here