the oldest album i know of from my favorite band, better known as Thee Oh Sees. i would never listen to this kind of almost folk music stuff if it were literally any other band. something about the echo-y effects and intentional dissonance, and the slight amount of keyboard backing up the acoustic? guitar... it captures the exact kind of existential vibes my mind naturally exudes (or seeks out at any rate). great music to meditate to imo. their newer stuff is a lot more psychedelic rock/punk than this and i hope to see them in person someday before any of us die or the nukes fall. i once wrote a fan email to john dwyer and got a pleasant response, i hope the people in the band are never revealed to have been significantly more evil than the average person (i don't trust any famous people, but honestly i would probably quietly and disgracefully continue listening even if they were, i will turn myself into the bad music takes gulag)