Today i was pretty shaken up when my mom tried talking to me about that shitty NYT article about trans sports and genuinely thought that it was in good faith and didn't see any problems with it. For context, she's a very stereotypical middle class lib who seems to think that anything in a "reputable" publication (NYT, NPR) must have some merit and can't understand that they peddle conservative bullshit all the time. I had some faith that she would surely realize stuff wrong with it, but it really shook me when she didn't and while I told her it was in bad faith and good propaganda I couldn't really go into details because I was having a mini-meltdown. I realize now that she knows nothing about TERFism and legitimized/acceptable transphobia so I was hoping I could get some article reccomendations (palatable to a lib who puts a lot of stock into prestige if a publication) and advice on how to teach her about all this stuff from the ground up. I have faith that she will trust me about this atuff more that anything else, but i just need the means to actually educate.

    • daphthedgb [she/her]
      2 years ago

      yes, thank you so much this is a great primer on the context of this stuff

  • DrHorrible [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I have found some legit scientific studies on trans women in sports ( stuff about how HRT/transitioning affects muscle mass in men), but they all seem to have been made by TERFS so I wouldn't even dream about linking it :agony-deep:

    I can't find anything scientific to convince your mom about the sports issue, so you're just going to have to appeal to her as a person. All you can do is let her know that trans-women being able to perform with their correct gender/sex is essential to their identities as people. Anyone who would want to deny that to them/ask them to play with their assigned at birth gender, for the sake of fairness in a game (That I doubt the TERF in question even watches), is a horrible horrible person.