It’s coming right at us!!
Lmao, that city was already decent
I'm more interested in how most places could be cooler instead of just the most expensive area
instead of just the most expensive area
eastern Europe says hi. lots of beautiful streets like this that are not the most expensive part of the city for whatever reason (Balkan nationalist bombing campaigns)
Looks like a London street, I see black cabs, british traffic lights and the gherkin and shard in the background.
:maupin: “no one is saying we should de-growth”
:I-was-saying: “I am saying we should de-growth”
The plants are a bit excessive... Don't vines slowly wear away at the building?
Also that it blocks several windows. People love to just add a lot of vines and shit and not consider the wear, and more importantly, the many mosquitoes that will follow.
You can put latticing on the side of the building to grow the vines on so they don't take root in the building.
Road access will always be necessary for stuff like emergency services, deliveries, commercial vehicles, transportation for the disabled and elderly, busses, etc.
Maybe at some point in the future some of those functions can be taken over by flying drones, bug it seems unlikely that you could completely remove road access in the near future.
street too narrow for bikes, bushes that high will mean children will get hit by bikes when crossing
The city this starts with is already orders of magnitude better than 100% of American cities.
Weird as a european seeing this, because this starts out as an incredibly standard european city road. Please have higher ambitions than our cities.
When I die pave my corpse directly into the bike lane so I can haunt the shit out of nerds on fixies
As an American living in a notoriously sprawling and car-dependent city (Houston), even the before image looks great.
The White Oak / MKT bike trail is almost kinda sorta image 2, if you squint and ignore that every destination still has to give up at least a 3rd of its land to street parking. Slap blinders on and you can get this vibe from Eleanor Tinsley or Herman Park.
I swear to god, there's someone in the city trying to do little guerrilla-style subversions of car culture in different little nooks and crannies, just to remind us that the 610/59 interchange isn't all this place is.