I'd have to go with something like tapeworms. Drawing a blank on specific genus and species since it's been years since my microbiology courses, but the things acute parasitosis can do to the body is some body horror stuff. They're so unassuming and yet everywhere.
That said, there is a part of me that thinks worms
in the eyes has to be pretty wicked to experience POV.
A close second has to go to the classic unleashed dog.
I'd have to go with something like tapeworms. Drawing a blank on specific genus and species since it's been years since my microbiology courses, but the things acute parasitosis can do to the body is some body horror stuff. They're so unassuming and yet everywhere. That said, there is a part of me that thinks worms
in the eyes has to be pretty wicked to experience POV.
. A close second has to go to the classic unleashed dog.
Oh yeah, parasites are crazy scary. Bot flies freak me out