Ford is chasing :melon-musk: 's business model and doing an end-run around their hordes of loyal car dealership minions. Blood in the fucking water.

  • Mother [any]
    2 years ago

    Why can’t those fuckers just die already

    Too bad gen x isn’t much better

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Gen-X was the last generation that was pumped with straight up lies about how universal health care works in other countries. I was just a kid at the time, but in the 90s before the internet really took off, Americans were told in Europe you had to wait months to see any doctor, that every country with universal health care has "death panels", and that it's so expensive that it's bankrupting the countries that try it.

      Anyone raised on the internet now can see how bullshit these arguments are. People know how absolutely shit private health care is, and I don't even think capital tries to convince them otherwise anymore. They just use their instruments of control (politicians, laws, courts) to ensure we never get universal health care, despite how popular it is.

      Not endorsing electoralism and I generally think third parties are a bad idea, but given how popular M4A is and how important health care is, I wonder if a third party that was all about this single issue - literally just call it the M4A party - might have some success.

      • Mother [any]
        2 years ago

        If Bernie wasn’t a fucking coward he would have run independent with that strategy after getting screwed by the DNC, basically suicide vest the democrats until they move left