My old car insurance fucked up and charged me for six months of insurance even though I cancelled so now I am several thousand dollars in debt until I can figure it out. Swag swag swag.
I find it amazing that if you try to overdraw your account, you get hit with fines, or if you miss a payment, you get hit with fines, but if a private company does it to you also get hit with fines.
If you cancelled and have a paper trail to prove it, contact your local Ombudsman, and inform the insurer that you are doing so. You'd be amazed how so many of these "little mistakes" that "there's nothing we can do about that, sorry" suddenly have solutions the instant you mention that to them. A lot of companies do this shady (and blatantly illegal) shit because they know most people will never actually fight it.
I can't afford not to. There's not enough paychecks between now and April to get out of this and pay April rent so I would be homeless.
A lot of people are in your same position, but just don't know that there are tools available to fight this, so they don't do much more than ask to cancel it, which the company won't. It's important to know your consumer rights (in general, but also as a communist, it's helpful to point out how despite consumer protections existing, companies basically just ignore them and face no repercussions, it's great for radicalising people)
I hope you can sort all of this out ASAP.
"Can't AFFORD to not suffer? Well, too fucking bad, loser!"
Burn the system to the ground.
Best thing is like, I was getting ahead for a while and now I'm going to get behind on all these other payments are wrack up all these fees while this is getting sorted. It's some bullshit.