• FunkyStuff [he/him]
    4 months ago

    I seriously don't get why anyone would participate in anything as ghoulish as the NCD communities. I think it's supposed to be self aware, but what does it even mean to be self aware when you still unironically clap like a seal as your country commits genocide? It doesn't square with my perception of liberals as self righteous squares, because the hapless idiots that post on NCD aren't self righteous at all and they understand, to some extent, how evil they are, which is really much closer to how 4chan nazis behave. The only substantial difference they have to 4chan nazis is they're pro-status quo liberals who are still nominally pro-queer liberation (unless the queer people in question live in a bad country). It boggles my mind.

    • LeZero [he/him]
      4 months ago

      It gives them an out for their more fucked up opinions that would clash with their identities as democratically minded libs

      "It was merely a jest" type of deal

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Right, but how do you keep up the bit as you acknowledge that NATO destroyed Iraq, Libya, Somalia, former Yugoslavia, etc etc? Sometimes us 'tankies' joke about sending all the libs to the wall, 100 gorillion dead under gommunism, etc. but we rest easy knowing that those things didn't actually happen. For liberals, they look at real things the institutions they defend actually carried out, and have to deprive themselves of their humanity to say "yeah and we'll do it again biaoqing-copium"