Please don't do unserious answers, or at least add a disclaimer before it and make sure the question has been answered seriously prior to that.

My question:

Is it normal using cutlery always hurts? Every single time I use knife, fork of spoon for anything else but scooping something soft, it hurts. It's been like this my entire life. Are people really in pain every time they eat without anyone speaking of it????

    7 months ago

    Is it normal to crack your finger ligaments and back and neck often? I do it several times a day, hell sometimes a few times an hour just because I like hearing the little cracks. Does anyone else do that? It’s like a nervous tick but I do it even when not nervous. It doesn’t make me feel bad or anything, like my fingers are totally fine, but is it uncommon?

    • Rom [he/him]
      7 months ago

      I do it too. It feels good, though I don't know if this is because I'm usually stretching when I do it. I'm always worried that someday I'll accidentally twist too far and permanently injure myself, but to be honest I've never actually hurt myself doing it so it's probably okay.

        7 months ago

        I hundred percent get what you mean about overstretching and bending something but I typically (i hope) use the same amount of low force just enough for the crack sound, then I stop. I really really hope that doesn’t go wrong one day, that would really suck

      7 months ago

      I've been doing it my entire life, starting in my teens up until now in my near middle age.

      The only disadvantage I've ever heard is plausible, is maybe some weakening of the joints, but that's about it. It doesn't seem to cause arthritis or any other issues, At least that there is evidence for. I think I heard that about 10 years ago. So hopefully that information is not out of date.

        7 months ago

        I used to hate when my oldest brother cracked my knuckles to fuck w me, now I wait all day for the few knuckle cracks I can get, finger ones are easy

    • Tovarish
      7 months ago

      I do this all the time. I still remeber the joy when I learned there are two place where you can crack your finger. Double the amount of cracks per hour babyyyy 😎