• Egon [they/them]
    4 months ago

    Good on you, you were able to post an article. Why did we have to go thru so much tooth pulling to get here?

      • Egon [they/them]
        4 months ago

        You are now again trying to worm your way out. No one has said you are advocating for a position. You made assertions and you maintained you had not made any. You maintained you did not have anything to share, nor did you have to share anything. You are now trying to make it into seeming as if the disagreement was one of misunderstanding, where it was believed you held these positions, which you now claim you do not. this is worm behaviour.

        • jackalope@lemmy.ml
          4 months ago

          No moron, you think you're in a debate because youre a keyboard warrior going aggro at the slightest interrupt of your circle jerk.

          The only "assertion" I've made is that there has been reporting that there is decoupling between China and the US economies. And this is true! There is reporting! I'm not even claiming the reporting is correct, I've only requested alternative perspectives with evidence! That is all.

          I have been very clear and up front from the beginning. You however are a dog chasing parked cars.

          The issue is not a misunderstanding. It's you being an idiot.

          I have not taken a stance anywhere in this thread about whether or not China and the US are decoupling. If this was otherwise you could prove it with a quote. But you can't. Because you're trying to fight someone who isn't interested in a debate. Idiot.

          • Egon [they/them]
            4 months ago

            Buddy we're not in a debate. You lied and you kept pretending to not have lied, which I held you to. You then finally did the bare minimum and I asked why it had to be such a task for you to do the bare minimum.
            I didn't read the rest of your response because it's clear you're trying to fabricate situations and discussions out of thin air for which I have no interest. You were doing wormy debatelord shit and you are trying to do wormy debatelord shit. Eat dirt.

            • jackalope@lemmy.ml
              4 months ago

              I'm literally the one saying this isn't a debate, dude.

              I didn't lie. You're just an idiot.

              • Egon [they/them]
                4 months ago

                You straight made assertions, said you didn't make assertions, got told you did, asked to be quoted, got quoted, and started insisting we were having a debate (by way of insisting that you were not interested in having a debate, thereby implying we were having one) about the assertion YOU MADE and struggled so hard to not post a single piece of proof of existing. When you finally share a single article you start talking about not having a debate, as if we've at any point discussed anything but the fact that you are acting as a debatelord.
                We haven't at any point talked about the assertion itself, merely the fact that you keep making them and somehow you feels as if you don't. After finally doing the bare minimum which you ask of others, you try to make it out to be as if something else is going on.
                I will now block you. Goodbye.

                • jackalope@lemmy.ml
                  4 months ago

                  The only assertion I made was that there had been reporting of decoupling. I did not assert there had been decoupling. If you can't understand the difference between those two then I really can't help you. At worst I spoke sloppy to a pendant.