If you want an exhaustively researched book about Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing, as well as it's history, context and legacy, this is the one

Come for the deep archival research, stay to be convinced that the entirety of the American security state, should be investigated from top to bottom, dragged out into the daylight, and most of its personnel executed. I mean, I already thought that, but now even moreso.

I am now completely convinced that either Timothy McVeigh was a federal informant or at the very least some of his unindicted coconspirators were

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Saved for later, thanks.

    Come for the deep archival research, stay to be convinced that the entirety of the American security state, should be investigated from top to bottom, dragged out into the daylight, and most of its personnel executed. I mean, I already thought that, but now even moreso.

    My backlog is pretty deep right now, but I think if I can get back to the grindstone this will fit in nicely with my Whitney Webb books I still need to get to.